Call for papers Special session: Spatial Analysis of Growth, Environment and Sustainable Well-being Chairs: Peter Nijkamp, Andreea Iacobuta, Ramona Tiganasu We invite you to submit proposals for the special session Spatial Analysis of Growth, Environment and Sustainable Well-being which will be organized at the EURINT 2024 International Conference. We aim to bring together research interests in the field of sustainable well-being which go beyond the standard economic growth or GDP approach and to provide a starting point for further debates. This session will be organized within the SAGES research project and welcomes contributions on the following topics (though not limited to these): Exploring the relationships between socio-economic factors and well-being Institutional factors and well-being Limits of the conventional approaches of well-being Understanding and explaining geographical and cultural well-being patterns and disparities Behavioral insights for enhancing well-being Data analytics: how well-being is measured Sustainable well-being reflection in social media Well-being policies in Europe Please send your proposals by filling out this form: until 17 May 2024.
CALL FOR PAPERS What can you expect? | The Centre for European Studies within Alexandru Ioan Cuza University, is organizing the ninth EURINT edition. This edition aims to foster and provide a proper context for mutual dialogue, joint knowledge and a better understanding of the challenges the EU faces in the current global context marred unprecedented shocks and challenges Who will take part in our academic event? | During the two consecutive days an exciting academic programme featuring renowned international experts and keynote lectures will be offered to our wide pool of participants: PhD candidates, post-doc fellows, researchers, civil society activists, NGO leaders, consultants, policy advocates and many more. What kind of opportunities does this conference offer? | EURINT will share the latest academic research results, excellent networking opportunities, possibilities to create links for future cooperation between in the field of academic (preparing potential research projects, establishing common publishing goals, etc.).  What about social events? | EURINT will be a pleasant and useful experience both for its academic quality and informal social networking. You are warmly welcome to explore the historical centre of Iasi, its intense cultural life and events, and enjoy the beautiful May weather. Important deadlines: Online registration and submission of extended  abstracts (read more) Publication: The presented papers will benefit from publication either in: CES Working Papers or in the Conference Proceedings  (read more)