Saturday, 17 May 2025 | Special & Parallel Sesions
10.00 Special session
10.00 Parallel Sessions
12.00 Methodological seminar
12.30-14.00 Special session
16.00 SAGES Workshop | Spatial Analysis of Growth,
Environment and Sustainable Well-being
16.00 CITY FOCUS Workshop | Challenges and
transformations of European Union cities in the green
and digital transition context. Towards new forms of
urban resilience
14.00 Parallel Sesions
Geographies of digital transformations in Europe
| Camilla Lenzi, Full Professor of Regional and Urban
Economics, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
The Enlargement of the EU: Prospects and Scenarios
Valentin Naumescu, Professor of International Relations,
Faculty of European Studies, Babes-Bolyai University Cluj-