Building tomorrow’s Europe: Strategies for growth, inclusivity,
and resilience
15-18 May 2025│ Iasi, Romania
The European Union stands at a critical juncture, one defined
by complex political, economic, and social dynamics. Recent
years have witnessed the resurgence of populism, fueled by
widespread economic inequalities and perceived exclusions.
These challenges underscore the urgent need to align
strategies for growth with the principles of inclusivity and
tackling the inequalities. A failure to address these issues risks
exacerbating societal divisions and undermining the democratic
fabric of Europe. Moreover, the focus on resilience, once a
cornerstone of the EU’s post-crisis recovery strategies, has
diminished. This is particularly concerning given the
accelerating pace of global shocks, from economic volatility to
climate emergencies. Building resilience is no longer optional
but essential to ensure a robust and adaptive Europe capable of
navigating an uncertain future.
To confront these pressing issues, the EURINT conference
Building tomorrow’s Europe: Strategies for growth, inclusivity,
and resilience which will be held in Iasi on the 15th and 16th of
May 2025 aims to foster a multidisciplinary dialogue on how to
shape a Europe that is both economically vibrant and socially
cohesive, while being prepared for challenges.
The conference will explore three interconnected themes:
Merging growth and societal needs in the 21st century - The
European growth model must evolve to meet contemporary
societal demands. This calls for fostering innovation and
competitiveness while ensuring that economic policies reflect
the broader needs of society, such as sustainable development
and equitable access to resources.
Incorporating inclusivity and addressing inequality in
policymaking - The widening gap between different social and
territorial groups requires immediate attention. Policymakers
must prioritize inclusivity and start designing frameworks that
reduce inequalities, enhance social mobility, and empower
marginalized communities.
Building territorial resilience: Resilience is fundamental to
safeguarding Europe’s future. The conference will address
strategies for enhancing the adaptive capacities of regions and
communities, focusing on sustainable urban planning, climate
adaptation, and economic diversification to mitigate the
impacts of future crises.
Beyond these core themes, the conference invites discussions
on a broader range of topics, including, but not limited to:
the implications of the new political context;
the transformative impacts of digitalization, both socially
and territorially;
theoretical and empirical studies on well-being;
catching up with left-behind places;
data governance challenges.
This conference is an invitation to policymakers, academics,
practitioners, and civil society to collaboratively envision a
Europe capable of rising to the challenges of the 21st century.