[-] CITY-Focus special session | Urban challenges
and transformations amid the green and digital
transitions. Towards new forms of urban resilience
Chairs: Alexandru Bănică, Cristian Încălțărau, Karima Kourtit,
Gabriela-Carmen Pascariu (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi,
The special session focuses on the current changes in cities and
metropolitan areas in the European Union in the context of multiple
challenges related to climate change, military conflicts and economic
This session is organised in the framework of the research project:
City-Focus - City: Future Organisation of Changes in Urbanisation
and Sustainability, project code CF 23/27.07.2023, financed through
National Recovery and Resilience Plan for Romania within project
call – PNRR-III-C9-2023-I8 PNRR/2023/Component 9/Investment 8.
[Financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU] Read more.
EURINT 2025 special sessions