EURINT 2025 special sessions

[-]  CITY-Focus special session | Urban challenges and transformations  amid the green and digital

transitions. Towards new forms of urban resilience

Chairs: Alexandru Bănică, Cristian Încălțărau, Karima Kourtit, Gabriela-Carmen Pascariu (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania) The special session focuses on the current changes in cities and metropolitan areas in the European Union in the context of multiple challenges related to climate change, military conflicts and economic crises. This session is organised in the framework of the research project: City-Focus - City: Future Organisation of Changes in Urbanisation and Sustainability, project code CF 23/27.07.2023, financed through National Recovery and Resilience Plan for Romania within project call – PNRR-III-C9-2023-I8 PNRR/2023/Component 9/Investment 8. [Financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU] Read more.
EURINT 14th edition | 15-18 May 2025       INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE  Iași  | ROMANIA 2025

[-]  About Europe - Young researcher Special session - dedicated to bachelor and master students

awarded within the Students scientific sessions in European studies

Chairs: Bogdan IBANESCU & Ciprian ALUPULUI (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania) Since 2022, the EURINT international conference has included a special section dedicated solely to undergraduate and master's students, known as the "Young Researchers Session." This session showcases the award-winning works presented at the student conference.

[-]  The Future of EU Budgeting: Balancing Growth, Innovation, and Social Cohesion (18 May, 2025)

Chair: Victor Negrescu, PhD (The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania) The European Union’s budget is a crucial instrument for addressing economic, social, and geopolitical challenges. As we navigate a period of rapid transformation—marked by post-pandemic recovery, climate transition, digitalization, and global competition—ensuring a balanced, growth-oriented, and socially cohesive EU budget is more pressing than ever. This session will explore the future of EU budgeting, focusing on key questions: How can the EU balance the need for financial stability with increased funding for innovation and competitiveness? What role should social cohesion policies play in reducing disparities between regions? How can the EU budget be made more flexible and resilient to unforeseen crises? We are inviting policymakers, academics, and financial experts to discuss budgetary priorities for the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), the role of European programs in fostering innovation, and the future of EU own resources. By addressing these critical aspects, the session aims to contribute to ongoing policy debates and provide actionable recommendations for an improved EU budgetary framework. To register for this special session, please follow the instructions on this webpage. The deadline for registration is April 1st.

[-]  SAGES special session | Multidisciplinary approaches to well-being. Analyses and impact


Chairs: Ramona Tiganasu, Peter Nijkamp, Mihaela Clincu (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania) This special session is dedicated to well-being and highlights the need for interdisciplinary perspectives to assess and integrate it in various policies. Within the session we aim to explore diverse ways of shaping well-being by examining its determinants, spatial inequalities, natural capital, and socio-economic dynamics. This session is organised in the framework of the research project: SAGES: Spatial Analysis of Growth, Environment and Sustainable Well-being – code CF 20/27.07.2023, contract no. MCID – DGGCPNRR 760275/26.03.2024, financed through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan Call no. PNRR-III-C9-2023 – I8_runda 2 Read more.

[-]  Business Resilience in AI Era: Strategies for Communication, Engagement, and Decision-Making

in Times of Crisis

Chairs: Oana Carmen Țugulea; Andreea-Isabella Moroșanu; Lucian Barbacaru (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania) This special session seeks to explore the multifaceted role of AI-driven decision-making, neuromarketing, crisis communication, and organisational psychology in enhancing business resilience. By addressing these dimensions, the session aims to offer valuable insights into adaptive strategies fostering long-term sustainability and competitive advantage in volatile economic landscapes. To register for this special session, please follow the instructions on this webpage. The deadline for registration is April 1st. Read more about this session

[-]  CITY-Focus special session | Urban challenges

and transformations  amid the green and digital

transitions. Towards new forms of urban resilience

Chairs: Alexandru Bănică, Cristian Încălțărau, Karima Kourtit, Gabriela-Carmen Pascariu (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi, Romania) The special session focuses on the current changes in cities and metropolitan areas in the European Union in the context of multiple challenges related to climate change, military conflicts and economic crises. This session is organised in the framework of the research project: City-Focus - City: Future Organisation of Changes in Urbanisation and Sustainability, project code CF 23/27.07.2023, financed through National Recovery and Resilience Plan for Romania within project call – PNRR-III-C9-2023-I8 PNRR/2023/Component 9/Investment 8. [Financed by the European Union – NextGenerationEU] Read more.

EURINT 2025 special sessions

[-]  The Future of EU Budgeting: Balancing Growth,

Innovation, and Social Cohesion (18 May, 2025)

Chair: Victor Negrescu, PhD (The National University of Political Studies and Public Administration, Romania) The European Union’s budget is a crucial instrument for addressing economic, social, and geopolitical challenges. As we navigate a period of rapid transformation—marked by post-pandemic recovery, climate transition, digitalization, and global competition—ensuring a balanced, growth-oriented, and socially cohesive EU budget is more pressing than ever. This session will explore the future of EU budgeting, focusing on key questions: How can the EU balance the need for financial stability with increased funding for innovation and competitiveness? What role should social cohesion policies play in reducing disparities between regions? How can the EU budget be made more flexible and resilient to unforeseen crises? We are inviting policymakers, academics, and financial experts to discuss budgetary priorities for the next Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF), the role of European programs in fostering innovation, and the future of EU own resources. By addressing these critical aspects, the session aims to contribute to ongoing policy debates and provide actionable recommendations for an improved EU budgetary framework. To register for this special session, please follow the instructions on this webpage. The deadline for registration is April 1st.