Ukraine: Geopolitical Realities And Regional Development
RSSP-RSAI Workshop, May 20 – 21, 2022 | hybrid
This workshop is organized within EURINT conference
with the support of
Regional Science Policy & Practice (RSPP) and Regional Science
Association International (RSAI)
Gabriela Carmen Pascariu (Alexandru Ioan Cuza University of Iasi,
Tomás Lopes Cavalheiro Ponce Dentinho (Universsitu Acores,
Oksana Holovko-Havrysheva (Ivan Franko National University,
Oksana Krayevska (Ivan Franko National University, Ukraine).
Ukraine became independent in 1991 after the dissolution of the
Soviet Union. Like any country in the post-Soviet area it started
to develop its own foreign policy, to conduct structural reforms
to foster its economic development and it transformed to the
key actor for ensuring internationally security, stability and
prosperity. After the Euromaidan (2013) and the Revolution of
Dignity (2013-2014), Ukrainian society clearly defined the main
directions of its foreign policy leading to the incorporation of the
European aspirations in the Constitution of Ukraine in 2019.
However, independence and the development of Ukraine
became challenged by internal difficulties and geopolitical
By addressing the internal developments in the country and
geopolitical context from an inter/multi/transdisciplinary
perspective, this workshop addresses the new political,
economic and societal transformations in Ukraine aimed at
increasing stability, security and sustainable development inside
the country and on the European continent in post war world.
Ukraine is trying to overcome different challenges caused by the
geopolitical situation, geographical position and economic
development, which cause many difficulties for achieving
positive outcomes in economic and societal transformation
processes internally and externally, especially in the cooperation
with neighbouring countries.
However, these challenges could create new opportunity
windows for deep and comprehensive internal transformations
leading to the modernisation of all spheres of socio-economic
and political life in postwar perspective. These new
opportunities cover such areas, but are not limited to good
governance, strengthening democracy and capacities of political
institutions, supporting regional development, ensuring
resilience while reaching the sustainable development goals,
european perspectives.
It aims, therefore, to bring together papers on theoretical and
empirical research results on Ukraine from the multidisciplinary
perspectives of economy, governance, institutions,
culture/identity/history, international relations, European
integration, human security, political science, society and
democracy, or environmental issues and how to connect them
with the sustainable development and regional development.
The topics proposed for debate are the following:
Historical Analysis of Evolving Political Geographies and
Actors, Institutions and Commitments: General Characteristics
of the International Cooperation Practices of Ukraine;
War/Conflict in Ukraine: Looking for Multidisciplinary Solutions
and Overcoming Challenges;
Content Analysis of Media on the Conflict in Ukraine;
Economic Development and Striving for Competitive
Advantages on Global and Regional Markets;
Going Digital: Ukrainian Perspectives on Digitalization of Public
and Private Life;
Ukrainian migration: economic, social and legal perspectives;
Social Development and Spatial Integration in Ukraine;
Regional Development in Ukraine: Internal and External
Ukraine in the Baltic-Black Sea Region;
Walls or Links of European Design;
Ensuring Security, Stability and Resilience: Ukrainian and
Global Perspectives;
Tackling Environmental Issues: EU Green Deal and Combating
Environmental Degradation;
Transformation of Public Governance in Ukraine: Lost between
European Perspectives and Soviet Legacy;
Improving Energy Security in Ukraine for Boosting Economic
Development and Stability;
Ensuring Rule of Law in Ukraine: Trends, Achievements and
EU and Ukraine: Challenge to Integrate;
Boosting Innovations in Ukraine: The Role of Education,
Research and Development policies;
Overcoming COVID-19 in Ukraine: Reforming Public Health
30 April Online registration and submission of abstracts.
Please follow the registration procedures indicated here
and and fill in the registration form, indicating that you will
participate in this RSPP&RSAIworkshop
Notification of acceptance or rejection (or within 5 days
from submission)
15 May Proof of payment full participation fee
June 30 – full paper submission (
The full papers should
be sent to the email:
The papers presented in this special session can be sent for
publication in the Special Issue 2022 Regional Science Policy &
Practice (RSPP) journal [read more].